Grippaz Gr. 9/L Nitril Schutz- Handschuh von Connect, 10 Stück (5 Paar)

Artikel-Nr.: 37297

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inkl. Mwst. Preis zzgl. Versand

Grippaz Gr. L Nitril Schutz- Handschuh von Connect, extralang, 10 Stück (5 Paar)

Dies ist unser Tipp für alle Arbeiten rund um das Auto, diese Handschuhe sind sehr widerstandsfähig und reißfest sowie ölresistent bei sehr gutem Grip durch Fischschuppenstruktur!

Die Handschuhe können nach unserer Erfahrung durchaus mehrfach verwendet werden und sind somit am Ende die billigere Alternative zu den einfachen medizinischen Handschuhen, welche leider schneller einreißen und nicht ölresistent sind. Perfekt für schmierige/ölige Tätigkeiten, bei denen man nicht das Fingergefühl verlieren möchte. Der extra lange Schaft schützt verbessert bis über die Handgelenke hinaus.

Grippaz use a specially formulated nitrile compound that gives unrivaled grip when handling grease, oils, detergents, solvents & water.

US Patent No's D735, 968S & 9,730,477 B2.

EU Certificate of Registration Design Number 001 402432-0001 and 396204-001.

Available in medium, large & extra large.

  • AS SEEN ON TV. Worldwide Patent 'fish scale grip technology' along with Patent on the thumb grip design.
  • 100% Silicone FREE Nitrile glove made in a Silicone FREE factory. 100% Nitrile - Latex Free, no added fillers so sweating is prevented. Chemical resistant , can be washed or wiped clean. SATRA tested to perform UP TO 5 TIMES BETTER in oily, greasy, dry or wet conditions.
  • First glove to also the have grip technology inside the glove to add to the overall grip. Made with 'Touch Screen Technology' so devices like Iphones, tablets, diagnostic equipment etc can be used without having to remove the gloves.
  • Gloves are 3 times thicker than a standard Nitrile glove. Gloves are slightly undersized than traditional sizes due to the fact that after 3 minutes of wearing they warm up and mould to the hand to give a secondary skin like feel. Made with an oversized cuff to enable the easy removal of the glove once its moulded to the hand. Gloves are a cost saving product due to the same pair of gloves can be worn throughout the day rather than having to change them several times a day.
  • Sleeve of 15 bags of 10

Connect Workshop Consumables has just introduced their new high-tech Grippaz disposable nitrile glove range to the market, and are confident that once you've tried them, you'll never go back to ordinary disposable nitrile or latex gloves.

Grippaz gloves are all about grip, and feature a unique “fish-scale” pattern on both internal and external surfaces which offers instant and effective grip, and the fish-scale pattern keeps its shape (and grip) when stretched, unlike other patterned gloves.

These latex-free gloves are designed for maximum dexterity; once worn for a few minutes they warm up and mould to your hand, and feel like a second skin. They are three times thicker than standard nitrile gloves, which gives increased puncture and tear resistance and terrific protection against oils and chemicals. And terrific value, because one pair of gloves can be worn again and again. Simply clean them off using a workshop cleaning solvent and their chemical resistance ensures that they will remain good as new.

Bodyshop safe — Grippaz gloves are completely silicone-free and manufactured in a silicone-free factory — the only gloves you need in the bodyshop. Need to use a touchscreen on your phone or diagnostic equipment? No problem with touchscreen-friendly Grippaz gloves.

They are available in handy bags of 10 or boxes of 50 under the following part numbers: Bags of 10: 37296 – M; 37297 – L and 37298 – XL. Packs of 50: 37300 – M; 37301 – L and 37302 – XL.



Produkt Hinweis Status Preis
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1 l = 41,71 €
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28,96 € *
1 l = 38,61 €
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1 l = 44,80 €
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33,60 € *
1 l = 44,80 €
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33,60 € *
1 l = 44,80 €
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33,60 € *
1 l = 44,80 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 2011 tieforange Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 2011 tieforange
33,60 € *
1 l = 44,80 €
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33,60 € *
1 l = 44,80 €
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33,60 € *
1 l = 44,80 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 3009 oxidrot rotbraun 750 ml Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 3009 oxidrot rotbraun 750 ml
25,40 € *
1 l = 33,87 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 3020 verkehrsrot Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 3020 verkehrsrot
33,60 € *
1 l = 44,80 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 3028 reinrot/tonnenrot BK320 Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 3028 reinrot/tonnenrot BK320
38,39 € *
1 l = 51,19 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 5002 ultramarinblau 750 ml Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 5002 ultramarinblau 750 ml
31,28 € *
1 l = 41,71 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 5007 brilliantblau mittelblau Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 5007 brilliantblau mittelblau
28,96 € *
1 l = 38,61 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 5010 enzianblau 750 ml Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 5010 enzianblau 750 ml
31,28 € *
1 l = 41,71 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 5012 lichtblau Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 5012 lichtblau
31,28 € *
1 l = 41,71 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 5015 himmelblau 750 ml Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 5015 himmelblau 750 ml
31,28 € *
1 l = 41,71 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 6005 moosgrün Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 6005 moosgrün
31,28 € *
1 l = 41,71 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 6011 lindgrün resedagrün 750 ml Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 6011 lindgrün resedagrün 750 ml
28,96 € *
1 l = 38,61 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 6018 gelbgrün Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 6018 gelbgrün
33,60 € *
1 l = 44,80 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 6037 reingrün /tonnengrün BK632 Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 6037 reingrün /tonnengrün BK632
38,37 € *
1 l = 51,16 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 7001 silbergrau Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 7001 silbergrau
31,28 € *
1 l = 41,71 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 7011 dunkelgrau eisengrau 750 ml Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 7011 dunkelgrau eisengrau 750 ml
28,96 € *
1 l = 38,61 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 7023 betongrau 750 ml Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 7023 betongrau 750 ml
28,96 € *
1 l = 38,61 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 7032 kieselgrau Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 7032 kieselgrau
31,28 € *
1 l = 41,71 €
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31,28 € *
1 l = 41,71 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 8016 mahagonibraun 750 ml Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 8016 mahagonibraun 750 ml
28,96 € *
1 l = 38,61 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 9001 cremeweiss Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 9001 cremeweiss
31,28 € *
1 l = 41,71 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 9002 grauweiss 750 ml Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 9002 grauweiss 750 ml
31,28 € *
1 l = 41,71 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 9005 tiefschwarz 750 ml Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 9005 tiefschwarz 750 ml
28,96 € *
1 l = 38,61 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 9006 weissalu silberalu Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 9006 weissalu silberalu
31,28 € *
1 l = 41,71 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 9007 graualu Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 9007 graualu
31,28 € *
1 l = 41,71 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 9010 reinweiss Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 9010 reinweiss
31,28 € *
1 l = 41,71 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 9011 graphitschwarz 750 ml Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 9011 graphitschwarz 750 ml
28,96 € *
1 l = 38,61 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 9016 verkehrsweiss Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL 9016 verkehrsweiss
31,28 € *
1 l = 41,71 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL1007 narzissengelb Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL1007 narzissengelb
33,60 € *
1 l = 44,80 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL1015 hellelfenbein 750 ml Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL1015 hellelfenbein 750 ml
31,28 € *
1 l = 41,71 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL1021 rapsgelb Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL1021 rapsgelb
33,60 € *
1 l = 44,80 €
Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL2000 orange gelborange Brantho Korrux 3 in 1 RAL2000 orange gelborange
33,60 € *
1 l = 44,80 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 1006, Menge: 0,75 l)
20,50 € *
1 l = 27,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 1006, Menge: 5 l)
115,00 € *
1 l = 23,00 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 1021, Menge: 0,75 l)
20,50 € *
1 l = 27,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 1021, Menge: 5 l)
115,00 € *
1 l = 23,00 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 2000, Menge: 0,75 l)
20,50 € *
1 l = 27,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 2000, Menge: 5 l)
115,00 € *
1 l = 23,00 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 2011, Menge: 0,75 l)
20,50 € *
1 l = 27,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 2011, Menge: 5 l)
115,00 € *
1 l = 23,00 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 3000, Menge: 0,75 l)
20,50 € *
1 l = 27,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 3000, Menge: 5 l)
115,00 € *
1 l = 23,00 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 5007, Menge: 0,75 l)
20,50 € *
1 l = 27,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 5007, Menge: 5 l)
115,00 € *
1 l = 23,00 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 5010, Menge: 0,75 l)
20,50 € *
1 l = 27,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 5010, Menge: 5 l)
115,00 € *
1 l = 23,00 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 5012, Menge: 0,75 l)
20,50 € *
1 l = 27,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 5012, Menge: 5 l)
115,00 € *
1 l = 23,00 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 6005, Menge: 0,75 l)
20,50 € *
1 l = 27,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 6005, Menge: 5 l)
115,00 € *
1 l = 23,00 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 6011, Menge: 0,75 l)
20,50 € *
1 l = 27,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 6011, Menge: 5 l)
115,00 € *
1 l = 23,00 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 7001, Menge: 0,75 l)
20,50 € *
1 l = 27,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 7001, Menge: 5 l)
115,00 € *
1 l = 23,00 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 7011, Menge: 0,75 l)
26,50 € *
1 l = 35,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 7011, Menge: 5 l)
148,00 € *
1 l = 29,60 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 7023, Menge: 0,75 l)
20,50 € *
1 l = 27,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 7023, Menge: 5 l)
115,00 € *
1 l = 23,00 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 7032, Menge: 0,75 l)
20,50 € *
1 l = 27,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 7032, Menge: 5 l)
115,00 € *
1 l = 23,00 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 7035, Menge: 0,75 l)
20,50 € *
1 l = 27,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 7035, Menge: 5 l)
115,00 € *
1 l = 23,00 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 9005, Menge: 0,75 l)
26,50 € *
1 l = 35,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 9005, Menge: 5 l)
150,00 € *
1 l = 30,00 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 9010, Menge: 0,75 l)
20,50 € *
1 l = 27,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 9010, Menge: 5 l)
115,00 € *
1 l = 23,00 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 3009, Menge: 0,75 l)
22,65 € *
1 l = 30,20 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
(Farbe: 3009, Menge: 5 l)
115,00 € *
1 l = 23,00 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
31,81 € *
1 l = 42,41 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
31,81 € *
1 l = 42,41 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
31,81 € *
1 l = 42,41 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
31,81 € *
1 l = 42,41 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
31,81 € *
1 l = 42,41 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
23,65 € *
1 l = 31,53 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
27,20 € *
1 l = 36,27 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
29,50 € *
1 l = 39,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
29,50 € *
1 l = 39,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
29,50 € *
1 l = 39,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
27,20 € *
1 l = 36,27 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
29,50 € *
1 l = 39,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
27,20 € *
1 l = 36,27 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
27,20 € *
1 l = 36,27 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
29,50 € *
1 l = 39,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
29,50 € *
1 l = 39,33 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
27,20 € *
1 l = 36,27 €
Brantho Korrux Nitrofest Brantho Korrux Nitrofest
29,50 € *
1 l = 39,33 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack BK610 natürgrün 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack BK610 natürgrün 750 ml
29,11 € *
1 l = 38,81 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack MB3575 ochsenblut 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack MB3575 ochsenblut 750 ml
29,11 € *
1 l = 38,81 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack MB7350 novagrau (ca. RAL 7016) 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack MB7350 novagrau (ca. RAL 7016) 750 ml
29,11 € *
1 l = 38,81 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 1006 maisgelb 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 1006 maisgelb 750 ml
32,35 € *
1 l = 43,13 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 1007 narzissengelb 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 1007 narzissengelb 750 ml
31,18 € *
1 l = 41,57 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 1015 hellelfenbein 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 1015 hellelfenbein 750 ml
29,50 € *
1 l = 39,33 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 1021 rapsgelb 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 1021 rapsgelb 750 ml
29,10 € *
1 l = 38,80 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 2000 orange-gelborange 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 2000 orange-gelborange 750 ml
32,35 € *
1 l = 43,13 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 2004 reinorange 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 2004 reinorange 750 ml
32,35 € *
1 l = 43,13 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 2011 tieforange 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 2011 tieforange 750 ml
32,35 € *
1 l = 43,13 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 3000 feuerrot, siegelrot 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 3000 feuerrot, siegelrot 750 ml
32,35 € *
1 l = 43,13 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 3002 kaminrot 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 3002 kaminrot 750 ml
32,35 € *
1 l = 43,13 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 3009 oxidrot, rotbraun 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 3009 oxidrot, rotbraun 750 ml
29,50 € *
1 l = 39,33 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 3020 verkehrsrot 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 3020 verkehrsrot 750 ml
32,35 € *
1 l = 43,13 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 5007 brilliantblau, mittelblau 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 5007 brilliantblau, mittelblau 750 ml
29,50 € *
1 l = 39,33 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 5010 enzianblau 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 5010 enzianblau 750 ml
29,50 € *
1 l = 39,33 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 5012 lichtblau 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 5012 lichtblau 750 ml
29,50 € *
1 l = 39,33 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 6005 moosgrün 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 6005 moosgrün 750 ml
29,50 € *
1 l = 39,33 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 6011 lindgrün, resedagrün 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 6011 lindgrün, resedagrün 750 ml
29,50 € *
1 l = 39,33 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 6018 gelbgrün 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 6018 gelbgrün 750 ml
32,35 € *
1 l = 43,13 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 7001 silbergrau 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 7001 silbergrau 750 ml
29,50 € *
1 l = 39,33 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 7011 dunkelgrau, eisengrau 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 7011 dunkelgrau, eisengrau 750 ml
29,50 € *
1 l = 39,33 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 7023 betongrau 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 7023 betongrau 750 ml
29,50 € *
1 l = 39,33 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 7032 kieselgrau 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 7032 kieselgrau 750 ml
29,50 € *
1 l = 39,33 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 7035 lichtgrau 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 7035 lichtgrau 750 ml
29,50 € *
1 l = 39,33 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 8016 mahagonibraun 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 8016 mahagonibraun 750 ml
29,50 € *
1 l = 39,33 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 9001 cremeweiß 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 9001 cremeweiß 750 ml
29,11 € *
1 l = 38,81 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 9002 grauweiß 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 9002 grauweiß 750 ml
29,11 € *
1 l = 38,81 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 9005 tiefschwarz 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 9005 tiefschwarz 750 ml
29,11 € *
1 l = 38,81 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 9006/7 aluminium 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 9006/7 aluminium 750 ml
29,11 € *
1 l = 38,81 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 9010 reinweiß 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 9010 reinweiß 750 ml
29,11 € *
1 l = 38,81 €
Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 9011 graphitschwarz 750 ml Brantho Korrux Robustlack RAL 9011 graphitschwarz 750 ml
29,11 € *
1 l = 38,81 €
AP-120 Metal-Prep 20 oz (ca.591 ml) AP-120 Metal-Prep 20 oz (ca.591 ml)
21,00 € *
POR15 High Temperature paint Flat Black (black velvet) 8 Oz. (ca. 236 ml) POR15 High Temperature paint Flat Black (black velvet) 8 Oz. (ca. 236 ml)
39,50 € *
POR15 TOP COAT GLOSS BLACK 1 Pint (ca. 475 ml) POR15 TOP COAT GLOSS BLACK 1 Pint (ca. 475 ml)
42,00 € *
POR15 TOP COAT GLOSS BLACK 1 Quart (ca. 946 ml) POR15 TOP COAT GLOSS BLACK 1 Quart (ca. 946 ml)
68,00 € * Bei Verfügbarkeit benachrichtigen
POR15 TOP COAT CHASSIS BLACK 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) (satin) POR15 TOP COAT CHASSIS BLACK 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) (satin)
42,00 € *


Bei Verfügbarkeit benachrichtigen
POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack aluminium 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack aluminium 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € *
POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Austin Healy green 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Austin Healy green 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € *
POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack black (schwarz) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack black (schwarz) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € *
POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Buick green 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Buick green 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € *
Engine Enamel Motorlack Buick Turquoise 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) Engine Enamel Motorlack Buick Turquoise 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € *
POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Cadillac Dunkelblau 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Cadillac Dunkelblau 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € *
POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Chevy Blau 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Chevy Blau 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € *
POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Chevy orange 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Chevy orange 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € *
POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Chevy Red (rot) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Chevy Red (rot) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € *
POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Chrysler Blue (blau) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Chrysler Blue (blau) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € *
POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Chrysler Hemi Orange 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Chrysler Hemi Orange 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € * Bei Verfügbarkeit benachrichtigen
POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Chrysler Turquoise 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Chrysler Turquoise 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € *
POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Ford (T-Bird) Red (rot) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Ford (T-Bird) Red (rot) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € *
POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Ford Blue (blau) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Ford Blue (blau) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € *
POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Ford Corporate Blue (blau) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Ford Corporate Blue (blau) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € *
POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Ford Green (grün) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Ford Green (grün) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € * Bei Verfügbarkeit benachrichtigen
Engine Enamel Motorlack Ford Medium Blue (blau) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) Engine Enamel Motorlack Ford Medium Blue (blau) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € *
Por15 Engine Enamel Motorlack HiPo Yellow (gelb) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) Por15 Engine Enamel Motorlack HiPo Yellow (gelb) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € *
POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack MG Maroon (braun) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack MG Maroon (braun) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € *
POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Olds Gold 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Olds Gold 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € *
POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Pontiac Light Blue (hellblau) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack Pontiac Light Blue (hellblau) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € *
Engine Enamel Motorlack Pontiac Metallic Light Blue (Metallikhellblau) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) Engine Enamel Motorlack Pontiac Metallic Light Blue (Metallikhellblau) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € *
POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack White (weiß) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml) POR15 Engine Enamel Motorlack White (weiß) 1 Pint (ca. 473 ml)
46,50 € *
POR15 High Temperature FACTORY MANIFOLD GRAY 8 Oz. (ca. 236 ml) POR15 High Temperature FACTORY MANIFOLD GRAY 8 Oz. (ca. 236 ml)
39,50 € *
GLISTEN PC 1 Pint (ca. 475 ml) Klarlack 2K GLISTEN PC 1 Pint (ca. 475 ml) Klarlack 2K
39,50 € *
GLISTEN PC 1 Quart (ca. 946 ml) GLISTEN PC 1 Quart (ca. 946 ml)
69,00 € * Bei Verfügbarkeit benachrichtigen
POR15 Marine Clean - Cleaner Degreaser - 1 Quart (946ml) POR15 Marine Clean - Cleaner Degreaser - 1 Quart (946ml)
23,50 € *
POR15 Marine Clean - Cleaner Degreaser Gallone (ca. 3,7 l) POR15 Marine Clean - Cleaner Degreaser Gallone (ca. 3,7 l)
42,50 € *
POR15 Metal Ready / Metal Prep 1 Quart (946ml) POR15 Metal Ready / Metal Prep 1 Quart (946ml)
23,50 € *
POR15 Metal Ready / Metal Prep Gallone (ca. 3,7 l) POR15 Metal Ready / Metal Prep Gallone (ca. 3,7 l)
49,90 € *
POR Patch black (schwarz) ca. 118 ml POR Patch black (schwarz) ca. 118 ml
22,50 € *
POR-15 Super Starter Kit schwarz glänzend POR-15 Super Starter Kit schwarz glänzend
38,50 € *
POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar) POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar)
79,50 € *
POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar) POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar)
(Motorlackfarbe: Aluminium, Superstarterkitfarbe: black gloss)
79,50 € *
POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar) POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar)
(Motorlackfarbe: Austin Healey green, Superstarterkitfarbe: black gloss)
79,50 € *
POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar) POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar)
(Motorlackfarbe: Buick Green, Superstarterkitfarbe: black gloss)
79,50 € * Bei Verfügbarkeit benachrichtigen
POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar) POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar)
(Motorlackfarbe: Buick Turquoise, Superstarterkitfarbe: black gloss)
79,50 € *
POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar) POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar)
(Motorlackfarbe: Cadillac Darkblue, Superstarterkitfarbe: black gloss)
79,50 € *
POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar) POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar)
(Motorlackfarbe: Chevy Blue, Superstarterkitfarbe: black gloss)
79,50 € *
POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar) POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar)
(Motorlackfarbe: Chevy Orange, Superstarterkitfarbe: black gloss)
79,50 € *
POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar) POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar)
(Motorlackfarbe: Chevy Red, Superstarterkitfarbe: black gloss)
79,50 € *
POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar) POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar)
(Motorlackfarbe: Chrysler Blue, Superstarterkitfarbe: black gloss)
79,50 € *
POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar) POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar)
(Motorlackfarbe: Chrysler Hemi Orange, Superstarterkitfarbe: black gloss)
79,50 € *
POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar) POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar)
(Motorlackfarbe: Chrysler Turquoise, Superstarterkitfarbe: black gloss)
79,50 € *
POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar) POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar)
(Motorlackfarbe: Ford (T-Bird) Red, Superstarterkitfarbe: black gloss)
79,50 € *
POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar) POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar)
(Motorlackfarbe: Ford Blue, Superstarterkitfarbe: black gloss)
79,50 € *
POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar) POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar)
(Motorlackfarbe: Ford Corporate Blue, Superstarterkitfarbe: black gloss)
79,50 € * Bei Verfügbarkeit benachrichtigen
POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar) POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar)
(Motorlackfarbe: Ford Green, Superstarterkitfarbe: black gloss)
79,50 € * Bei Verfügbarkeit benachrichtigen
POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar) POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar)
(Motorlackfarbe: Ford Medium Blue, Superstarterkitfarbe: black gloss)
79,50 € *
POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar) POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar)
(Motorlackfarbe: Hi Po Yellow, Superstarterkitfarbe: black gloss)
79,50 € *
POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar) POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar)
(Motorlackfarbe: MG Maroon, Superstarterkitfarbe: black gloss)
79,50 € *
POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar) POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar)
(Motorlackfarbe: Olds Gold, Superstarterkitfarbe: black gloss)
79,50 € *
POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar) POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar)
(Motorlackfarbe: Pontiac Light Blue, Superstarterkitfarbe: black gloss)
79,50 € *
POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar) POR15 Auto-Motorlack Set (Motorlack-Farbton unter Option wählbar)
(Motorlackfarbe: White, Superstarterkitfarbe: black gloss)
79,50 € *
POR15 Bremssattel- Lack-Set POR15 Bremssattel- Lack-Set
49,50 € *
POR15 Caliper Paint Kit - Bremssattel- Lack-Set POR15 Caliper Paint Kit - Bremssattel- Lack-Set
(Farbe: black)
49,50 € *
POR15 Bremssattel- Lack-Set POR15 Bremssattel- Lack-Set
(Farbe: silver)
49,50 € *
POR15 Bremssattel- Lack-Set POR15 Bremssattel- Lack-Set
(Farbe: blue)
49,50 € *
POR15 Bremssattel- Lack-Set POR15 Bremssattel- Lack-Set
(Farbe: red)
49,50 € *
POR15 Bremssattel- Lack-Set POR15 Bremssattel- Lack-Set
(Farbe: yellow)
49,50 € *
POR15 Hardnosepaint 1Pint (ca.475ml) dark red POR15 Hardnosepaint 1Pint (ca.475ml) dark red
44,50 € *
POR15 Hardnosepaint 1Pint (ca.475ml) dark yellow POR15 Hardnosepaint 1Pint (ca.475ml) dark yellow
44,50 € *
POR15 Hardnosepaint 1Pint (ca.475ml) light blue POR15 Hardnosepaint 1Pint (ca.475ml) light blue
44,50 € *
POR15 Hardnosepaint 1Pint (ca.475ml) orange POR15 Hardnosepaint 1Pint (ca.475ml) orange
44,50 € *
POR15 PELUCID 1 Pint (ca. 475 ml) Klarlack POR15 PELUCID 1 Pint (ca. 475 ml) Klarlack
42,00 € *
POR15 PELUCID 1 Quart (ca. 946 ml) Klarlack POR15 PELUCID 1 Quart (ca. 946 ml) Klarlack
65,00 € *
POR15 Rostverhütungslack schwarz glänzend Sixpack (6x 113 ml) POR15 Rostverhütungslack schwarz glänzend Sixpack (6x 113 ml)
92,50 € *
POR15 Self Etching Primer 1 pint ca. 475 ml grau POR15 Self Etching Primer 1 pint ca. 475 ml grau
36,00 € * Bei Verfügbarkeit benachrichtigen
42,00 € *
68,00 € *
POR15 WHITECOTE 1 Pint (ca. 475 ml) POR15 WHITECOTE 1 Pint (ca. 475 ml)
39,50 € *
POR15 WHITECOTE 1 Quart ( ca. 946 ml) POR15 WHITECOTE 1 Quart ( ca. 946 ml)
69,50 € *
POR15 High Temperature Aluminium (POR20) 8 Oz. (ca. 236 ml) POR15 High Temperature Aluminium (POR20) 8 Oz. (ca. 236 ml)
39,50 € *
POWER MESH (Verstärkungsvlies) POWER MESH (Verstärkungsvlies)
9,99 € *
POR15 Rostverhütungslack grau 1 Pint (ca 475 ml) POR15 Rostverhütungslack grau 1 Pint (ca 475 ml)
46,50 € *
Rostverhütungslack grau 1 Quart (ca 946 ml) Rostverhütungslack grau 1 Quart (ca 946 ml)
69,50 € *
Rostverhütungslack schwarz 1 Pint (ca 475 ml) Rostverhütungslack schwarz 1 Pint (ca 475 ml)
46,50 € *
Rostverhütungslack schwarz 1 Quart (ca 946 ml) Rostverhütungslack schwarz 1 Quart (ca 946 ml)
69,50 € *
Rostverhütungslack schwarz 4 Oz (ca. 113 ml) Rostverhütungslack schwarz 4 Oz (ca. 113 ml)
19,50 € *
Rostverhütungslack schwarz seidenmatt 1 Pint (ca 475 ml) Rostverhütungslack schwarz seidenmatt 1 Pint (ca 475 ml)
46,50 € *
Rostverhütungslack schwarz seidenmatt 1 Quart (ca 946 ml) Rostverhütungslack schwarz seidenmatt 1 Quart (ca 946 ml)
69,50 € *
Rostverhütungslack silber 1 Pint (ca 475 ml) Rostverhütungslack silber 1 Pint (ca 475 ml)
46,50 € *
Rostverhütungslack silber 1 Quart (ca 946 ml) Rostverhütungslack silber 1 Quart (ca 946 ml)
69,50 € *
Rostverhütungslack transparent 1 Pint (ca 475 ml) Rostverhütungslack transparent 1 Pint (ca 475 ml)
46,50 € *
Rostverhütungslack transparent 1 Quart (ca 946 ml) Rostverhütungslack transparent 1 Quart (ca 946 ml)
69,50 € *
1x Schaumstoffpinsel 25mm 1x Schaumstoffpinsel 25mm
1,90 € *
POR15 Solvent (ca 236 ml) POR15 Solvent (ca 236 ml)
9,50 € *
POR15 Solvent 1 Quart (946 ml) POR15 Solvent 1 Quart (946 ml)
22,50 € *
POR15 Tankinnenbeschichtungsset-Auto  (bis 96 l) POR15 Tankinnenbeschichtungsset-Auto (bis 96 l)
118,50 € *
POR15 Tankinnenbeschichtungsset-Motorrad bis 10L POR15 Tankinnenbeschichtungsset-Motorrad bis 10L
39,50 € *
POR15 Tankinnenbeschichtungsset-Motorrad bis 20L POR15 Tankinnenbeschichtungsset-Motorrad bis 20L
69,50 € *
POR15 Tankinnenbeschichtungsset-Motorrad bis 40L POR15 Tankinnenbeschichtungsset-Motorrad bis 40L
82,50 € *
POR15 US Standard Fuel Tank Sealer 1 Pint (ca. 475 ml) POR15 US Standard Fuel Tank Sealer 1 Pint (ca. 475 ml)
46,50 € *
Por15 Fuel Tank Sealer 1 Quart (ca. 946 ml) Por15 Fuel Tank Sealer 1 Quart (ca. 946 ml)
66,50 € *
POR15 US Standard Fuel Tank Sealer 8 oz /half pint (ca. 236 ml) POR15 US Standard Fuel Tank Sealer 8 oz /half pint (ca. 236 ml)
25,50 € *

inkl. Mwst. Preise zzgl. Versand

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