MOTORCYCLE FUEL TANK REPAIR KIT (for fuel tanks up to 20 L)

Description FUEL TANK REPAIR is more than just pouring in a quart of sealer and sloshing it around. If gum, varnish, sludge, or fuel are inside, they must be removed first.
Our U.S. STANDARD TANK SEALER™, like all other sealers, will not work in a contaminated tank. Find out what the pros already know... our FUEL TANK REPAIR KIT has everything you need to do the job right!
UTILITY & CYCLE FUEL TANK REPAIR KITS have been designed for the special needs of bikes and other small fuel tanks such as recreational vehicles, snowmobiles, outboards, generators, etc.
Order a UTILITY & CYCLE FUEL TANK REPAIR KIT today, and experience its quality and durability for yourself!
Kit Contains:
- MARINE CLEAN™ to remove gum, sludge, varnish
- METAL READY™ to remove rust & prepare tank for sealer
- FUEL TANK SEALER™ creates a permanently sealed tank
- CLOTH PATCH for sealing large holes or reinforcing weak areas
- DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS to take you easily through each step of tank restoration
available in these units
up to 10 Liter Fuel-Tank
up to 20 Liter Fuel-Tant
up to 40 Liter Fuel-Tank
*also available for AUTO-Fuel Tank up to 96 Liter