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Gunson G4053 Carbalancer

Artikel-Nr.: G4053

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Der CARBALANCER ist ein einfaches und sehr preisgünstiges Werkzeug zum Synchronisieren zweier oder mehrerer Vergaser. Der Unterdruck der Vergaser wird verglichen und auf einer Skala angezeigt. Passend für SU | Solex | Auto-Lite (Fomoco) | Stromberg |Weber und Zenth Vergaser.

Nur wenn beide oder alle Vergaser den gleichen Wert anzeigen und somit synchron arbeiten, ist eine optimale Gemischaufbereitung gewährleistet und der Motor kann seine Kraft ideal entfalten. Auch ist dann die Gefahr ausgeschlossen, dass ein oder mehrere Zylinder wegen zu magerem Gemisch heiß laufen.


Internal combustion engines use a mixture of air and petrol to generate their power. The performance therefore is influenced by the air flowing into it and the petrol that is metered out by the carburettor. Unless the air flow in Twin or Multiple carburettors is correctly set, the correct mixture adjustment is unlikely to be achieved. Suitable for use on SU, Solex, Auto-Lite (Formoco) Stromberg, Weber and Zenith and can be adjusted to fit most carburettors including side-draught, down-draught with air intakes (Venurei) from 25mm to 67mm (1”-2”) diameter

  • Easy read scale indicates the air flow and allows accurate air throttle calibration
  • Provides smoother and better acceleration
  • Carbalancer can be adjusted to fit most carburettor including side-draught and downdraught with air intakes (Venturi) from 25mm to 57mm
  • Easy to follow instructions
  • Improves performance, produces more miles to the gallon, better acceleration.

The car balancer measures and indicates the air flow very simply and accurately so that each carburettor throttle butterfly can be synchronized to give the same balanced air throttle calibration. Suitable for use on SU | Solex | Auto-Lite (Fomoco) | Stromberg |Weber and Zenth carbs.

The easy and accurate way to set up multiple carburettors. Calibrates in seconds and synchronises the air throttles in moments. Suitable for cars and motorcycles


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